Plugin Development

This How To should give you enough informations to be able to develop a plugin for HoneyBot. First of, we’ll take a look at the structure of a plugin:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Greet Plugin
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer,
responds to .hi, demo of a basic plugin
>>> .hi
returns hoo

class Plugin:
    def __init__(self):

    def run(self, incoming, methods, info, bot_info):
            if info['command'] == 'PRIVMSG' and info['args'][1] == '.hi':
                methods['send'](info['address'], 'hooo')
        except Exception as e:
            print('woops plugin error ', e)

we see four parameters being passed to the run method , incoming, methods, info, bot_info)

parameter1: incoming

incoming is the raw line and is not used except if you are not satisfied with the already provided methods

parameter2: methods

methods is a dictionary of methods to ease your life. a quick look at reveals

def methods(self):
                return {
                                'send_raw': self.send,
                                'send': self.send_target,
                                'join': self.join

where send_raw allows you to send in any string you want, thereby allowing you to implement any irc protocol from scratch

but, for most uses, send allows you to send a message to an address methods[‘send’](‘<address>’, ‘<message>’). using it in conjunction with info parameter allows you to send messages where it came from, in pm to the bot or in a channel. you can however hardcode the address.

join allows you to join a channel by methods[‘join’](‘<channel name>’)

parameter3: info

for a normal run, info produces

'prefix': 'appinv!c5e342c5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/',
'command': 'PRIVMSG',
'address': '##bottestingmu',
'args': ['##bottestingmu', 'ef']

hence if you want messages, messages = info[‘args’][1:] or the first word if you want to check for command will be info[‘args’][1]

use example

the command info is used in the join channel plugin to detect a join command and greet the user who just joined

bot info

bot_info returns info about the bot

return {
        'special_command': self.sp_command,
        'required_modules': self.required_modules,
        'owners': self.owners,
        'time': self.time,
        'friends': self.friends

so that in run method you can access those.

use example

For example, the time info is used in the uptime plugin by minussing it from the current time to get time bot has been running. The required modules is used in the installed plugin to determine what required plugin the bot runner did not install

wrapping up


if info['command'] == 'PRIVMSG' and info['args'][1] == '.hi':
        methods['send'](info['address'], 'hooo')

from above means

if message received == .hi:
        send(address, message)