Setting up Documentation

This How To focuses on setting up Sphinx in order to edit the HoneyBot documentation. You don’t need to do this if you’re simply adding a plugin. If you should have any questions feel free to ask on our discord!

For documentation HoneyBot uses a tool named sphinx. Sphinx reads in the docstrings of functions, methods and classes and automatically parses them as you can see in the actual documentation.


To generate the documentation you will need to have sphinx installed, click here for a quick installation guide. Make sure you’ve installed the python 3 (new) version of sphinx and Read The Docs theme!.

‘pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme’.

There’s no need to set up this tool with ‘sphinx-quickstart’ command, once there is a configuration already.

Create a fork of our honeybot project and clone this:

‘git clone<YOU>/honeybot.git’

Then change the path honeybot/docs/source/ and edit the .rst files there. These .rst files they are too on following paths: honeybot/docs/source/How_Tos/ and honeybot/docs/source/Plugins/.

Next you’ll need to have the gh-pages branch from your fork cloned as a directory named ‘html’, into your cloned repo:

‘cd honeybot’

‘git clone -b gh-pages<YOU>/honeybot.git html’

Your folder structure needs to look as follows:


<==== master fork repo

├── docs

└── source

├── html

<==== gh-pages fork repo

├── src

└── honeybot

Generating docs

Once you’re set up you can test if sphinx works properly in honeybot/docs/ directory, by changing to ‘html’ folder, opening a terminal and typing ‘sphinx-build ../docs/source/ .’. This will take the .rst files in honeybot/docs/source/ and ‘make’ them into html in ‘html/’ folder that contains the ‘gh-pages’ branch. If it shows any warning you’ll have to fix them before committing, otherwise the documentation wont be automatically build once you push your changes to Github. Next you can ‘add’ and ‘commit’ these changes into your fork by typing:

git add *

git commit -m “Commit message”

Finally, you can make a pull request by typing:

git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages

And this’ll create a PR in the gh-pages branch that’ll be analysed by someone in project.

Later do you still need to push the master branch too. Because the .rst files are on this branch and were not go to the previus PR:

git add docs/source *

git commit -m “Commit message”

git push origin master

Since I won’t provide a full tutorial on how to write .rst files here is a useful link: rst